It is just like the federal government to state that some companies are just to big to fail. BS. No company is too big to fail. Failure allows smaller players to become bigger, better, and more efficient than their predecessors. In all great economic upheavals, many companies failed and new ones stepped in and took on the roll of the failed companies. Never in American history have we upheld a private institution when the institution is bad for business. This non-failure policy is what we would call Communism. That is the truth. Let the big companies fail. Yes, times will be tough for a time, but this is what makes American great. Failure leads to better ran companies and new inventions when smaller companies step in. This is what has been occurring for the last century, with mergers, buyouts, and acquisitions. What failed with the laxity of laws being enforced by the policing powers that were in place to make sure companies remained honest. Let the likes of BofA, GE, Citi, etc. fail. We need it. The only other option is nationalization, which, is Communism. Tell me what you would prefer. Freedom, or death! We as citizens need to police the federal government and keep them in check. The founding fathers set-up a system where checks and balances were in place. Why? To keep the central government from becoming too big. Guess what? We failed. We allowed out government to become big brother. We allowed our self-reliance to be left up to the central government. Our founding father's worst nightmares came to fruition, all because of us. The only cure is failure; than we can re-boot the system. Once re-booted we as a nation need to police our central government and be pro-active in the political system. We also need to keep the government in check. America is the greatest nation that has ever been created on this planet, and we need to keep it this way. Currently we are heading down a path of self-destruction. Change, as Obama, put it, needs to be for bettering the system not creating more of it. The Change Obama put forth is change for failure. Which, is good. Once we fail, than the People will be ready for salvation. Are you ready?
5 months ago
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