If only we would open our heart, mind, and eyes to the glorious gospel; by allowing the spirit to fill our souls daily, perhaps many of us would see amazing changes. These daily allowances would need to be created by our own studying of the gospel and from open honest conversation with our Heavenly Father. Perhaps, than, we would see change in our personal lives towards our feelings about ourselves and of those around us. Instead of being too self invloved we would come to learn charity, for others and ourselves. This is what is missing from this world. We have become to busy for others, and ourselves. Change, is needed, but not temporal change. What many of us needs is spiritual change. I too, need this. I am striving for it everyday, but falter. I do not let this hamper me; instead, I get up and fight another day, by feeding my spirit. When I do this my day is different. In fact, I can honestly say, my life is better. No longer do I worry about the temporal issues that inflict my life. I believe that temporal issues seem less of a concern because I am trying to put heavenly treasures first. We are promised that when we build our manisons in heaven, our earthly life will be taken care of. But this only comes when we seek out the kingdom of heaven first. This can only be acheived by change, spiritual change. This much I have learned, so far.
5 months ago
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