this is amber. i just wanted to express my disgust in our nation's youth. our family had a very nice family home evening last week when we carved our pumpkins. the girls also had a couple small ones that they colored themselves. we went out tonight and had all of our trick-or-treat fun, but on the way home, i decided to take Sister out to knock on a few doors. Papa let us out a couple of streets away from our home so we could treat a few houses on the way, the other two were asleep. anyway, as we approached our house, i noticed something all over the side walk, so, knowing what it was, i tried to lead Sister across the street to one more house and walk our way around the mess, but, alas, she saw it too. it was heart breaking to watch my daughter cry and get upset with the wind (she thought the wind blew the pumpkins so hard that they all broke). i took her to a couple more houses to get it off her mind, then took her in to go to bed. after she went to sleep, i went back out to see just how bad the damage was. bad. they broke two of our scarecrows, all of the pumpkins the kids got from their field trip to the pumpkin patch, threw the corn all over, and just what ever else their naughty little minds could think of.
i never did that kind of stuff growing up, and i thought i had missed out on a right of passage all kids go through. now that i am a mother, i am so glad to say that i never did that to any other little children, children who undoubtably worked hard on their pumpkins only to have some looser destroy it for their own sick pleasure. our friends just down the street stopped to help when they saw me out there cleaning up the mess and said there were several houses on the way that had been attacked as well. i just want to say, keep people in mind when you get bored and think some mindless vandalism will liven things up. there could be a little one that is going to be heart broken with the results.
5 months ago
This is what happens when kids are left to their own whims by parents who lack any authority. Even teenagers need to be accounted for and doing structured things. Don't think all youth are bad. We have a great group of kids here and in Alabama you couldn't ask for nicer kids. I hope you take the time to explain to the girls what happened, that it isn't nice and why. They will remember what you taught them more than they will remember what actually happened.
i haven't the heart to tell Sister what really happened,she thinks it was because of the wind and i don't know how to tell her it was a bunch of mean kids that just wanted to hurt people. we have a great set of youth here as well, but the bad are getting worse and can be downright cruel. i know just how important it is to be strong at home.
thanks for your comment, it is nice to know people are viewing our blog.
That is so sad! Dan and I just had a long conversation about disrespectful kids. My mom was telling us stories about how some of the kids on her school bus treat her and it makes me so mad that they think they can get away with that kind of stuff. They don't think about anyone else and how it affects others. And then when my mom communicates with their parents about the problem she can see that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You're right about how important it is to be strong at home. Teaching your kids manners and respect for others among other principles is where it all starts. I do think it would be a good idea to talk to her about what really happened too.
i am sure it would be, i just don't know how, she was so upset, how do i tell my sweet, innocent little girly that mean kids were the ones that really did the damage.
your mom is so sweet, i can't believe anyone would treat her that way. my mom is having some troubles with her 2nd hour class, they are just so disrespectful. my grandpa just died, kind of suddenly, so she has been having a hard time, and this class has been so much more awful than usual, she lives in a small town, and grandpa was the mayor, so everyone knows about it, and they are giving the subs such a hard time as well. she said the parents of a lot of these kids are the ones that don't show up for parent teacher conference. go figure.
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