these are some pics of us sledding in our backyard last winter. can you tell who is having the best time.
5 months ago
Families can be Together Forever
these are some pics of us sledding in our backyard last winter. can you tell who is having the best time.
Posted by Qmann at 11:02 PM
Wheres the sledding pictures?
Joshua looks like his mom with a dash of dad thrown in, though he has a dimple on one side.... now where did that come from? I put a video on the family site last week with him and Lucas. Ivana has some more pics on her Orkut page.
Q-Tip, you need to send me that gift letter and soon please. We now have a fax machine at our house. I'm pretty so that it's functioning.
sorry, i was having difficulty with the pics, so i just gave up and went to bed, i will get them up soon.
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