Here are some pics of the kids playing in the snow. This was our first snow of the year, and it came early. Needless to say, the kids loved it. Our son was asleep and was not able to join in the fun.
5 months ago
Families can be Together Forever
Posted by Qmann at 2:05 PM
I think you've got some spam here already.
Daniel was so excited to see the snow, he is now asking where his snow is outside. Considering that it has been in the 90's all week I don't think he'll get his wish.
We got lots of snow too. I am NOT happy about it! All I can say is that since it came so early, it better not last into JUNE again! How are you guys?
i personally don't believe in past lives, who would want to come back here, have to start a new family with all new messes... really.
anyway, i love sonw in dec., but not so crazy about it in October. but the kids love it and that was a fun time anyway. it is already starting to melt and the girls are dissapointed, but it will be back.
nice to hear from you all. hope you are doing good. i am going to have Que fix this so we have to invite people to view now, so we will get that all situated with everyone. i don't want strangers viewing my family.
well, i guess that crazy lady's spam is gone.
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