It was a month of parties for our little Brother. It started off with his 3rd BIRTHDAY!! That's right, my lovable little heart of gold is 3 and MY heart is crying. It's so hard to love and enjoy watching him grow in spite of the fact that I would love to keep him tiny and sweet and innocent forever. This kid has been truly one of a kind. He is kind and sweet and obedient and such a treasure. I love going out with him and watch him yell "HI, I'M BROTHER," to everyone he meets. I love watching him carry his sword and Little Einstein books around all day then fall asleep with them, as his pillow. Oh my, and what a smart-ie he is. I am so impressed with his math skills, I can old a handful of things in my hand and he will just look at it and tell me how much is there. He is so much fun to take to the park and play any type of ball sport with. He has such a sweet personality that everyone comments on and loves, not as much as his father and I of course. It is so great to watch him open presents and hug each one, pj's, books, puzzles, blocks, and of course swords or Rocket, whatever it is he is grateful. He is so cute when he kisses the crying girls or says please and holds his hands to his cheeks and smiles, knowing we can't say no. He is such a blessing and we thank the Good Lord everyday that he sent this beautiful spirit into our home. I could go on for days telling you all the funny and sweet stories about him, but it would take forever and I need to tell you about the other party, the Potty Party. I got this idea from a friend's blog, she did it for her little boy and said it worked great. We had been going back and forth with his potty training so this idea was a heaven send. And it worked and worked like a charm. The girls and I spent the afternoon getting the bathroom ready while he napped so when he got up it would be such a surprise. We got him some potty gifts, The Pirate Potty book, (because it had swords) a pack of under-roos, and a Spider Man potty seat and grandmas even got him some under-roos as well. He woke up and was as excited as we knew he would be. He loved every bit of it and was so excited about the pirate hat sticker chart that he couldn't wait to go in the potty and put a sticker on it. It didn't take long. In fact, none of it did, before long, he was doing everything in the potty just like a big boy, and he had only a few accidents. It was great and we are so proud of our big boy.
5 months ago
Oh, what a sweet little boy! He reminds me of my little boy - sweet little boys hold a special place in their mommy's heart, huh?! So glad the potty party worked so well for you. That's always a huge relief to be through that major hurdle. :)
Katie, I cannot say thank you enough for that idea!! It was so cute and so easy!! What a clever way to get them so excited. Boy did it work, I was so amazed at how well.
Little boys do hold a special place in their mommy's heart, I feel bad for all my friends that have only been blessed with girls. Not that they aren't fun and wonderful as well.
He is a cute little man.
Thanks Kevin, he's sure going to miss you and your boys, now that we'll all be lucky to see each other once a year.
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