Well, the holidays are over and it's now time to get back to reality. School starts for Carley tomorrow and we still have yet to find a way to get her going to bed at a decent hour. Papa will be going back to work and school next week. Keeley starts preschool next week. I am a little bummed, I have really enjoyed having everyone home these past couple of weeks. I know the older children have become more of a challenge but they are still my babies.
We have had a good Christmas this year, as we always do, we are truly a blessed family. Santa delivered a lot of the things on the kids lists, and a few extras. Sister Bear is growing so fast and finding interest in things older girls enjoy, very sad, so some of the things she wanted were a little mature and he agreed that she was too young. Not to mention one of the things she wanted was on the news for the dangers it presents. Zhu Zhu pets, or something. I have decided that Saturday Morning Cartoons are off limits around the holidays.
The other three were much easier to please. As soon as Brother opened the first gift handed to him, he loved it. It was shirts which made it all the more adorable when he hugged them. What a greatful little sweetheart we have. The next gift he recieved were some knight accessories that were not even wrapped and that was it for him. He didn't want to open another gift, spoiling our fun. The girls were more than happy to help him as he was too busy running around acting like a Musketeer and yelling "Ungaurd!" at everyone. Daddy even spent the time to build Brother a cool airplane with the sweet blocks Santa brought and Brother just slashed it to bits with his sword.
Sissy Bear was tickled pink when she opened her new Barbie and the awesome Barbie house Santa brought the girls. Mommy even had a great time playing with it. Sister loved the house too, and got a Barbie herself, but she was really excited about her Cinderella baby. She even got the bath robe she had been asking Santa for since last year, green of course. I am getting tired of watching Barbie and the three Musketeers.
Pooh Bear got a piggy bank, jammies, and his first ornament. The jammies have airplanes on them to make his big brother happy. He is such a loved member of this family. We are all so excited to have him, and in his short two months here it has felt like he has always been a part of our family. It's a good thing, if I have to cut all dairy and chocolate, among other things, then it better be for a real sweetie.
The girls love to hold him and carry him, it makes them feel so grown up. It would make them feel more so if Mama wouldn't follow them around with my arms out, but I can't help it. Sister loves reading to him and carrying him around when he feels sad. She has a magic touch that seems to soothe him. Keeley loves changing his diapers. She runs to tell us that he is poopy but not to worry, she'll take care of it. Of course we do worry, it's poop. Brother just loves to hold him and kiss him. He gets this sweet little adoring look on his face and kisses Pooh's head, then sunuggles him and says ever so softly, "my baby Tucker." I truly have a wonderful family.
Papa Bear got a couple of the books he's been wanting and one that Santa thought sounded cool, The Five Thousand Year Leap, The Real George Washington, and my fav, America's Prophet. He got a new coat, he couldn't and wouldn't wait for Santa to deliver it, and some workout clothes. He can be so easy and yet so difficult at the same time.
I was excited about the new shirts and skirts Santa brought. I needed them as it is very hard to nurse in a dress. I got a new purse, the first one I have had in over 6 years, and another chair for my kitchen table! We have no room for it yet, but I wanted it anyway.
We had a good time visiting with our families, it's always nice to see loved ones that don't live close. The kids were spoiled by all of their grandparents, lovely. I hear it's the right of a grandparent to spoil their grandkids. We sure do love the parents in our lives. And some of the Grandmas even got the stuff that we agreed with Santa that the kids were too young for. I guess it's the right of the parent to love the grandma for the gesture and put it away for awhile.
I had an interesting conversation with my nephew, Collin.
Collin: "There are 3 babies here!!"
Me: "Yep, a lot, huh."
C: "How much are they going to eat?"
M: "More than you know."
C: "It's a good thing there are three girls with their boobs working."
eeeeeeeKKKK! He is such a funny kid.
We blessed Baby Pooh Bear on the 27. It was a beautiful day, having our new baby blessed by the men in our lives. Uncles Chet, Truman, Kevin, Danny, Brett and Brent, Grandpa John, and friends Greg Ransom and Dillon Steed stood in for the blessing. What I heard of it, it was lovely. Oh the joy of having a toddler. Blessing a baby is such a special gift a father can give his new child, and I am so greatful that my husband respects his Priesthood. I'm going to have to stage a few pictures of the blessing since Pooh exploded out of his blessing outfit right before the pictures.
New Years was a fun and laid back day. We went to Outer Limits with my Brother and his wife Katie, and their two boys Collin and Liam. This is something we have been doing with them when they come to visit, I think as a way to spare Mom and Dad's new house. After that, we went home and put the kids to bed. Then we sat back and enjoyed Harry Potter and A Christmas Carole together. It was a nice way to end this crazy year.
I need to post some pics of the kids birthdays and this summer like I said I would, I guess that will be this months blogging task.