Families can be Together Forever
Posted by Mama Bear at 10:59 AM 0 comments
In a land not so distant and a time that is forgotten 56 men signed a declaration of Independence. Upon signing these men and an oppressed people took up arms to fight for freedom from the tyranny that was upon them. After fighting a more sophisticated army and better trained machine, these men and the people who won victory formed a new government for the people of the people. A government that was to be governed by the people not governed by the governors. Where free election was to be held and the people's representatives would gather on a quarterly basis to create laws and if necessary to call upon it citizens for arms to defend its liberties.
When this land was but a babe an evil force came upon it and tore it into two different ideologies. One was absolute freedom of the people, the other was forced labor of another people brought to the land against their wishes. After many brutal years those who supported righteousness and freedom reined victorious. After this great conflict in this young nation an expansion of great multitude took place where people found riches after a long struggle and where some died looking for a better place to gain a dream.
This expansion continued and with it brought greatness to the young nation. After many years and many battles against other nations to protect its citizens, this young nation reached from coast to coast and was on its way to becoming a world power. In fact, many other nations envied this nation because of its success, and its accomplishments. It was as though the power of God was directing this nation and leading it to fulfillment of power and glory. As long as its people remained loyal to its Creator, nothing seemed able to stop this nation from growing.
Twice, this nation called upon its young men to fight for it, and to stop evil from overtaking the world. It became known as a liberator of millions as other nations fell to evil, waiting for this nations young men, patriots, of freedom to destroy the evil forces that befell them. Again the nation called upon its men to fight, but times changed, and the brave men who went abroad to fight to stop communism and its evil influence, were mocked and ridiculed by un-patriotic people at home.
Well, this nation, by this time matured and its people, a large portion of it began to be swoon by outside influences that were not patriotic, but anti-country, and anti-freedom. These people became leaders of this nation, and for a time were held off by those who loved nation and God. But as it was, and like many other great nations before, these people became a majority in the government and in society. Now a great struggle has been commenced, one side for the freedom that 56 men died for when they signed their names to a great document, and the other side wants to become an oppressor and lies to its people. Telling them that having the government in every major aspect of its people's lives if good, and in fact, the people need to rely upon the government for support and daily necessities. Where government is God and God is dead. But there are those out there fighting for this country and reminding its people that God is our supporter and we are His creation. Sound familiar? Communism and socialism only bring the people it is suppose to serve down and does not work.
Remember that we need to elect men who fear God and respect the people who elected them. The only force that will bring America down is its self. No outside force will destroy this great nation.
Posted by Qmann at 8:09 PM 0 comments
ok, so i need help, again. i need someone to tell me how to add blogger modifcation to my comment page. thanks, again.
Posted by Mama Bear at 5:42 PM 6 comments
Our son has this adorable knack for making his own music when he is supposed to be sleeping and they are always so impressive. A few months ago, i was washing the dishes after lunch and he was supposed to be taking a nap, well, through the monitor i heard, 'Oh wa-ya, oh wa-ya', over and over again, so i went upstairs to peek at him and he was sitting up in bed with his sippy cup of water in his hands singing to it!!!!!!! How cute is that!!! He was only 1 1/2!! And just when you were thinking that was too precious for words, he does it again...
I was reading him his baby playtime book tonight while i was laying him down for bed and after i finished, he took it and started flipping through the thick, board book pages, looking for his favorite toys in the book. He stopped first at the picture of the car and started singing, 'Car, Car, Carley, Car,' then flipped some more and found the ball and started singing' 'ball, ball, ball'. while he was looking for the last toy he wanted to sing about, he repeated 'Car, car, Carley, ball, ball, ball', until he found the drum and added 'boom, boom, boom', all in beat!!! He continued to flip back and forth through the pages singing about the same toys in whatever order he found them while i layed down next to him, watching and listening in amazement at what my remarkable little boy is capable of.
I know i have said this a million times, but i have very bright children. there, a million and one, and counting. i guess i can no longer complain about him begging to watch Little Einsteins (Eidines) all day long. He loves it, what can i say, and obviously it's teaching him something. He even has a Discovery Toys car that looks like Rocket that he now sleeps with and hauls wherever we go. he walks around singing the song to the movie and says, ' go Rocket, go', 'zoom zoom', and 'blast-off', all day long, and if any other child dare touch it, he lets them have it. He lets me have it just for washing the yogart off the darn thing.
I do have to take a little credit for his creativity on behalf of my family and myself, we do sing Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree and Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam a lot, a lot a lot. not to mention all of the countless times we sing The Wheels on the Bus and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and so many others. this kid just likes to sing, just like his big sisters. I Stand All Amazed. The girls love singing with their baby brother, trying to teach him the words to their favorite songs when they were his age. They get such a kick out of his baby way of saying things, and i love when they come screaming to me to tell me about the new words they just taught him.
They also love making up songs of their own, why, just the other day, Keeley put on a whole 10 minute concert for me about the fish tank at Grandma and Grandpa's house, too cute!! And Carley just loves to sing about her toys, her day at preschool and her artwork!!
Children truly are a gift and i love moments like these.
I would like to post some new pics, but we cannot find the cords we need to download the camera, i know, i hate moving. anyway, as soon as we are able, we will update. I know you all are just dying to see more, but you'll just have to be patient.
Posted by Mama Bear at 7:42 PM 4 comments
Check this website out. It is Work Safe. http://www.funnychest.com/2007/02/writing-a-creative-resignation-letter/#more-82
Posted by Qmann at 3:54 PM 0 comments