Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow,
For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm rocking my babies 'cause babies don't keep.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Some Pics of some of the fun we've been having.

Visiting the Easter Bunny, getting ready for him and being visited by him, getting the first pink eggs we've had since we've been married, Brother Bear found two of his birthday presents early and wont take them off without a fight, Family Home Evening and

just some general love. Enjoy

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hippity, Hoppity, Easter has come and gone and I'm just getting around to blogging about it.

Things are very busy around here these days, by the time bedtime rolls around we feel like we have done nothing but we're beyond exhausted. You all know that feeling, I hope. Anyway, it's times like these that Mama really likes that the Easter Bunny does all his shopping early. We had a very nice Easter, as we always do. We are very blessed and we are very aware of the Lord's hand in our lives. We are also very grateful for the Atonement and the promises and blessings that come with being faithful to the Lord and His only Begotten Son. With the children getting older we really tried to make this Easter more about the Atonement. We had a very nice FHE about it, Papa and Honey Bear lead this lesson and it was lovely.

We also had a good time with the other perks of the season. We dyed our eggs and flew the kites the Easter Bunny brought this year. He brings kites every year, but this year he brought the nice ones in hopes that they will last longer. The wind was so violent that we didn't get much air time, but the kites have proven themselves. We spent a lot of time reading the books he brought us, including a new Berenstain Bears, God Loves You! The kids had a good time searching for the eggs the Easter Bunny hid for them and they even had the gold dollars in some, because he forgot to get some quarters. The girls loved that. Then it was on to a very Spiritual General Conference. I really enjoyed having General Conference, it really did a lot with keeping the true meaning of this special day all day.
We ended our day with dinner at Gramps and Grans' house followed by an Easter Egg Hunt. The kids all had a very nice day which always makes the mom's and dad's day extra special.
Thank you Dear Lord for this wonderful family that I have been so richly blessed with and for the Atoning Sacrifice of our Savior. I hope we can remember these things all year round.