Well, here are the pictures of the girls' graduation from kindergarten and pre-school. These were both such great experiences for them but I'm still in shock that they are over. This life passes so fast and it is so hard to appreciate the meaning of that until you are looking back through the pictures and wishing with all your heart that you could go back. I wish I had listened to my parents more while they were telling me for all those years that time passes so quickly, just appreciate the moments as I live them rather than wish them away. I truly hope that I can show my children how to appreciate every beautiful moment as they live them. Before you know it, you're a grown up reading friend's blogs about the children they have lost or spouses going through kemo. Life is hard, but God gives us so many gifts to help us find the beauty in it. I have been griping a lot lately, I need to focus so much more on all the beauty I have surrounding me and be more thankful for the blessing I receive daily.
4 months ago