Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow,
For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep,
I'm rocking my babies 'cause babies don't keep.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Please welcome Tucker to the world. Born 11/10/09 at 8:12 pm. He comes in at 7 lbs. 15 oz. and 21 inches long.

Both Mom and baby are doing well.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

More Fall Fun

And now we've come to Halloween. I know you are starting this where I ended, so it is a little backwards, but it all comes together. And Halloween is just so much fun, it doesn't matter where you start. For Halloween, we went to the ward's trunk-or-treat and magic show. The kids were amazed when the magician turned a duck puppet into a real duck. Too sweet. They talked about it for some time afterwards. Then we went to our old neighborhood, no hills, and trick-or-treated a couple of streets. Brother Bear was such a doll, knocking on the doors, then opening them because the people were just not fast enough. Not to mention the way he screamed "Trick-or-Treat," at everyone. He meant business, the girls at this age wouldn't even go to the door, even after they were offered the candy. It was a goodnight, but it was the end of the month, which meant all my hopes of avoiding a third November baby were dashed.

Some of the school fun the kids have had. Carley had her first red ribbon week, which also meant we had our first talk with her about drugs. Now she thinks all bad guys do poisonous things because good people make good choices. We'll give it another try. Anyway, she got to wear all red and do her hair crazy, so we put a lot of barrettes in. She was pleased and had a good time. then they had their Halloween parties. Keeley's and Brother's was with their playgroup and Carley's with her kindergarten. I made their costumes again this year. Keeley was excited to be Ariel until she saw the modest spin I put on the top. After all that, she decided she would rather buy one!! Good thing she's so darn cute... Carley didn't say anything but thank you, good thing too, hers was a toughie. I met another mother at the party who made the same costume for her little girl and had all the same problems. Glad to know it wasn't the operator this time. Brother was Tigger. His was easy, and he was so excited to hold it, but when it came time to put it on, boy did he fight. And cry. And scream. I thought for sure he would love it, he was so excited when he saw what I was making. He kept saying, "My Tigger, Yay!" All that hard work. They do look darling though, don't they.

On Tuesdays we meet for a playgroup. A couple of weeks ago, we took a trip to the local pumpkin patch/ corn maze we have in town. It isn't much to look at if you are an adult, what with the corn maze being 3 ft tall and pretty sparse in some areas, but the kids always have a good time. They really enjoy feeding the animals and climbing on the equipment.

Here we are, harvesting all those pumpkins we grew this year. It was exciting to get so many, it makes me want to give the bigger breeds a shot again. And, as always, we have some of the most stylish helpers.

Getting caught up on blogging takes a long time, plus everything is coming up backwards and I don't want to fix it, I just want to get frustrated. We went potatoe picking with Grandpa Ray again this year. It isn't easy work, especially when one is almost 8 months pregnant, but the kids really enjoy it, and I think it teaches them a lot of good lessons about hard work, plus they get to play in all that loose dirt and find funny potatoes. This may just have to be one of those things they get when they're older. Their cousins came this time which made it a little more hectic, but at least it didn't rain. The important thing is they had fun.