Sorry, it has been a long time since I've had a chance to sit at the computer, our's having over 200 viruses and all. Hopefully we will have it back soon, I would like to blog in the evening when the kids are asleep rather than at my in-laws when we stop by for a minute.
Anyhow, I guess you know now the reason I was not blogging before the computer became ill, since my hubby announced it in his last post. We are expecting number 4!!!! Yea!!!! this is so exciting and not at all EEEEEK!!! Now some of you know why your April Fool's joke was not so funny, ;). Misery would have really enjoyed the company. I'm still not quite over the shock yet, 17 weeks into it, but the sickness is starting to subside, so that's good. It didn't help when one of the gals at the dr.'s office asked if we planned this, I said no and she said something to the effect of, 'do you even know how to prevent.' I guess she wasn't paying attention to all of my highs and lows when I tried out a few different birth controls. Quentin wont forget, poor guy.
We just finished up with the Pocatello Time Out For Women this afternoon and I was so touched by the event that I wanted to share some of my favorite moments while I had a chance.
As most of you know, I am a convert and I didn't grow up listening to the spiritual music, it was more of the Bee Gee's, Fleetwood Mac and Chicago. And anyone who knows me knows how much I love the 80's, so going from that to Micheal McClain has been a difficult change for me. I usually listen to the Hymns and such when the kids are learning new songs for Primary and on Sundays, that's it. Well, over the last two days, I was able to find a couple new favorites at this event, and they are LDS!! Abe Mills (Jericho Road) was so much fun to listen to along with Jenny Jordan Frogley and Hillary Weeks!! They are all spectacular. They all came up with some fun songs to the music of New Kids on the Block (Abe Mills and it was hilarious), Seal?, The Temptations and more. I really liked Hillary Weeks song about the way parents sound when talking to their teens, but I would say it is great for the youngsters as well. It goes something like this 'Sala Cadoo and menta ladoo and bipity bopity boo, I am a teenager so all that I hear is bipity bopity boo', which I know from experience is so true. The Wilcoxs' said you have to have humor to get through life and I thought that would be a great song for us all to have in mind the next time we are telling our kids to clean up or put the wii away and they willingly agree and still do nothing about it. I know I didn't get it right, but if you want perfection, pop in Cinderella and figure it out yourself.
The song that really touched me was by Jenny Jordan Frogley. She wrote it for her daughter who is in those trying early teen years, the ones I truly fear for my sweet little girlies. I think it's called Never Be Another and it's about being proud of who you are because you were made by God who gave you all the talents and intelligence you need to be your perfect self. It tells our little girls not to worry about comparing themselves to others and conforming to anyone elses' ideas because they are special the way they are, God doesn't make mistakes, and there will never be another like them. It's sung to a Reggae beat so everyone was clapping and dancing, but I couldn't help crying, which is silly, it's Reggae, but it touched me so much that I wanted the evening to be over already so I could go home and tell my girls how special they are and how lucky I am that God loves me so much to send me these blessed and beautiful Daughters of our Father in Heaven. I know that these young years are so crucial to letting them know how special they are, developing a strong relationship with them and helping them build the confidence, strength and trust they need to be happy, well rounded teens able to resist and fight off the wickedness that is waiting for them.
As scary as it is to have daughters in today's world, it is also a blessing and one I would not give up for anything. I tried to make a deal with God to only have one daughter because I know what a challenge they are, but I think he loves laughter at my expense so I ended up with two 11 months apart. I would not go back and change one thing, I just hope and pray every day that I can be the mother they deserve. Of course my little Brother Bear has brought such a joy to my life that I could never begin to put into words, but this was an event for women.
Chris Stewert also spoke about trusting in the Lord, this is a choice nation and he has worked many miracles here, we need to have faith that he will continue to do so. I loved what he had to say, but truthfully, you need to attend the Time Out for Women event to get the full impact of his words. It was so reassuring to hear him talk because I think a lot of people will agree now is a dark time, but this country has seen worse and by the grace of God, we survived, we are still strong and will continue to be so. I love our country, I love our brave Soldiers serving, including my little Cousin Jason, who just enlisted in the Navy at the tender age of 18 and my cousin Bubba, who missed the birth of his first baby and first year of her sweet life to serve us in Iraq. I am so proud of you both and I love you.
I'm sorry I haven't been in touch for sometime now, but soon things will be normal again and I will have a computer of my own. I hope you are all doing well and looking forward to pictures all the way back to Easter when we do get our computer back.
5 months ago